Seven Segments display and the multiplexing display strategy
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int pin1 = 2;
int pin2 = 3;
int pin3 = 4;
int pin4 = 5;
int pin5 = 6;
int pin6 = 7;
int pin7 = 8;
int gnd1 = 11;
int gnd2 = 9;
int timer = 1000;
Now, in the setup function you need to initialise any single digital pin using the pinmode command:
ipinMode(pin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(gnd1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(gnd2, OUTPUT);
Now, simply switching the two ground pins (setting them true and false in an intervall of 0.5 ms), you will see the refresh effect and your eyes will see a number of 2 digits displayed for 2 seconds (1000 * 0,5)
//this represents the number "20"
for (int i=0; i=timer-1; i++){
digitalWrite(pin1, B1);
digitalWrite(pin2, B1);
digitalWrite(pin3, B0);
digitalWrite(pin4, B1);
digitalWrite(pin5, B0);
digitalWrite(pin6, B1);
digitalWrite(pin7, B1);
digitalWrite(gnd1, B0);
digitalWrite(gnd2, B1);
digitalWrite(pin1, B1);
digitalWrite(pin2, B1);
digitalWrite(pin3, B1);
digitalWrite(pin4, B0);
digitalWrite(pin5, B1);
digitalWrite(pin6, B1);
digitalWrite(pin7, B1);
digitalWrite(gnd1, B1);
digitalWrite(gnd2, B0);
This example is very easy to understand but does nothing more than a display. However, it is very useful in order to understand the concept of multiplexing and how to use same pins to drive different digits. Following this example you can immediately: