In order to debug a controller so hard to reach and so "mobile", I preferred to build a sort of serial datascope. In few words it is an additional Arduino connected with a touch screen (Adafruit touch screen 2.8Inch). This "extension" uses, as input, the TX
connector of the controller (serial TX channel) and, as output, the display. So, every object received from the serial port is "displayed" on the LCD screen. The Ardway controller raises debug lines on the serial port and those debug lines are displayed on the LCD.
In the current version of Ardway, the Datascope is part of the Ardway chassis but, originally, it was a separate component. In the current version, also the power voltage is generated using the Ardway Batteries. The concept has been significantly elaborated and, at the
end, we used an Arduino Mega to manage the lcd but also different sensors to drive the Robot. The serial communication, in fact, has been extended to send commands to the motors controlled by the main arduino board.